Tungsten Replicator (AMI): Start Your Free 14-Day Trial
Tungsten Replicator is the most advanced heterogeneous replication solution for MySQL, MariaDB & Percona Server, including Amazon RDS MySQL and Amazon Aurora.
It provides high-performance and improved replication functionality over the native MySQL replication solution and into a range of target databases, such as MySQL (all versions), Oracle, PostgreSQL, AWS RedShift, Cassandra, ClickHouse, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, MongoDB, Kafka and Vertica.
It is available as an AMI and can be accessed via AWS.
Tungsten Replicator (AMI) now also comes with some nice MongoDB news:
- The MongoDB applier supports MongoDB Atlas
- It’s been updated to use the latest MongoDB JDBC Driver
If you’re looking for high-performance MySQL replication functionality, our AMI has got you covered!
Getting started with the 14-Day free trial
Users can try one instance of each type of the AMI for free for 14 days to get them started (AWS infrastructure charges still apply). Please note that free trials will automatically convert to a paid hourly subscription upon expiration.
The following extraction and applier support is provided
Replication Extraction from Operational Databases
- MySQL (all versions, on-premises and in the cloud)
- MariaDB (all versions, on-premises and in the cloud)
- Percona Server (all versions, on-premises and in the cloud)
- AWS Aurora
- Azure MySQL
- Google Cloud SQL
Available Replication Target Databases
Replicate from AWS Aurora, AWS RDS MySQL, MySQL, MariaDB & Percona Server from as little as $0.40/hour
With Tungsten Replicator (AMI) on AWS, users can replicate GB's of data from as little as $40c/hour:
- Go to the AWS Marketplace, and search for Tungsten, or click here.
- Choose and Subscribe to the Tungsten Replicator for MySQL Source Extraction.
- Choose and Subscribe to the target Tungsten Replicator AMI of your choice.
- Pay by the hour.
- When launched, the host will have all the prerequisites in place and a simple "wizard" runs on first launch and asks the user questions about the source and/or target and then configures it all for them.

We’d love to hear your feedback on our AMIs, so please do comment below or contact us here.
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