Continuent is pleased to announce the 6.1.2 releases of its Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator software products.
Tungsten Clustering is the complete and proven clustering software solution for high-availability, disaster recovery and global scaling for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona Server databases. It includes Tungsten Replicator, the most advanced & flexible replication engine for MySQL, including Amazon RDS MySQL and Amazon Aurora, which also exists as a stand-alone solution.
Tungsten Clustering also includes an intelligent MySQL proxy, Tungsten Connector, and comprehensive business-rules based cluster management software, Tungsten Manager. These three components - Connector, Manager and Replicator - provide the best of breed, tightly integrated MySQL clustering solution.
Releases 6.1.2 introduce new features and enhancements such as Java 11 certification, enhanced backup functionalities via xtrabackup, improved Tungsten Connector performance and more.
Highlights Common to Both Products
- Java 11 Certification
- Enhanced backups using xtrabackup
- Daylight Savings Timezone Improvements
Tungsten Clustering Highlights
- Enhanced Tungsten Connector performance using Bridge mode
- Full SSL encryption between all components once security settings are enabled
In addition, both releases come with a range of further improvements and bug fixes.

Related Resources
- Release Notes:
- Customer Support
- Continuent Tungsten Documentation
- Request a Demo
Release Details
Java 11 Certification
The Continuent Tungsten product suite is now certified with Java 11, i.e. the code is compiled with the Java compiler v11 (while retaining Java 8 compatibility). Java 9 and 10 have been tested and validated but certification and support will only cover Long Term releases.
Enhanced backups using xtrabackup
Tungsten Clustering now uses the xtrabackup command instead of the deprecated innobackupex to create and restore backups. A new check was added to the Tungsten Package Manager (tpm) for validating different xtrabackup versions along with MySQL version compatibility. The oldest supported version of xtrabackup is v2.3.
Daylight Savings Timezone Improvements
Whenever Tungsten Replicator inserts a heartbeat there is an associated timezone. Previously, the heartbeat would be inserted using the GMT timezone, which fails during the DST switch window. The new default uses the Replicator host's timezone instead.
Enhanced Tungsten Connector performance using Bridge mode
Improved Tungsten Connector bridge mode performance when transferring small amounts of data.
Full SSL encryption between all Tungsten Clustering components
Once the security settings are enabled, the connection between all the Tungsten Clustering components is now encrypted.
Read The Release Notes
About Tungsten Clustering
Tungsten Clustering allows enterprises running business-critical MySQL database applications to cost-effectively achieve continuous operations with commercial-grade high availability (HA), geographically redundant disaster recovery (DR) and global scaling. Read more.
About Tungsten Replicator
Tungsten Replicator is a replication engine that provides high-performance and improved replication functionality over the native MySQL replication solution and provides the ability to apply real-time MySQL data feeds into a range of analytics and big data databases. It comes as a stand-alone product or as an AMI on the Amazon Marketplace. Read more.

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