Tungsten Replicator is a powerful tool with many great features, and today we will look at a new one - the ability to Pause and Resume a replication service. Until now, the only way to stop a replication stream was to take the service offline, and put it back online when it is needed again. The online process involves a number of internal steps and overhead, and if there are many THL files on disk, it could take some time to index them all before the service can come fully online. To remove the overhead of the startup time, the new pause/resume feature was developed for the Replicator, and is accessed via the `trepctl` command.
We are pleased to announce that Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator GA version 6.1.18 are now available. Tungsten allows enterprises running business-critical MySQL database applications to cost-effectively achieve continuous global operations with commercial-grade high availability (HA), geographically redundant disaster recovery (DR) and geographically distributed active/active.
In this blog, we discuss Galera Cluster and synchronous versus asynchronous replication. We also discuss some of the differences between Galera Cluster and Tungsten Cluster rooted in this difference in foundation. And how Tungsten has served a critical niche - mission-critical, geo-distributed, highly-performant MySQL applications - for a long time.