We are pleased to announce that Tungsten Clustering 6.0.1 and Tungsten Replicator 6.0.1 are now available!
Our 6.0.1 is a bug fix release that also contains a few improvements in certain tools and utilities. Some of the highlights common to both products include:
- Support for the Geometry data type when reading from the MySQL 5.7 binary log
- Improvements to the tpm diag tool, to make it easier to diagnose and identify problems
- New servicetable command to trepctl to make monitoring with multiple services easier
- Improvements to the MongoDB replication support for different datatypes
- Fixes for tungsten_provision_slave execution
- Improvements to the DDL templates used during heterogeneous replication
Specifically for Tungsten Clustering:
- Fix for a problem in the mysql_checker_query script that may have previously been responsible for performance and out of memory (OOM) errors
- Fix to enable migration from non-SSL to SSL installations when using INI style installations
- Update to the compatibility for Tungsten Dashboard
- Fix for failures within two and three node multimaster deployments
Full release notes are available:
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